DUNFERMLINE based, Time Capsule Productions, launched in January this year when local audio producer, Lewis Harrower, started his new venture bringing together his passion for audio and love of telling stories. In what are called Audio Time Capsules, you will be able to get a professionally made documentary made about yourself or a loved one to help keep their memories alive for generations to come.
Time Capsule Productions will operate in Fife, Edinburgh and surrounding areas. Lewis explains, “An ‘Audio Time Capsule’ involves a recording session, where I come around for a chat and you can share some of your favourite memories. I will then take this audio away and transform it into a documentary style piece with music and sounds to help amplify the stories.”
Each capsule will come with a digital copy, but also with a physical memento of a wooden keepsake box with a USB containing the documentary.
Lewis graduated with an MA in Radio Production at the University of Sunderland in 2019 having previously done his HND in Radio at Fife College. He was also in the top five of entrants to the Charles Parker Prize in 2020 leading to his documentary “Living With Dementia” being aired on BBC Radio 4.
Alongside the launch of this new business, he is working on a BBC Radio 4 commission due to air later this year.
As a client of Business Gateway Fife, Lewis received one to one support on Marketing, Finance, Business Planning from Business Adviser, Marissa Yassen-Fleming, and he was able to access many of the Business Gateway Fife’s workshops. Marissa commented, “Lewis has shown great commitment to this new venture and is passionate about providing a supportive and caring environment for those who are sharing their life stories with him. He has identified a real niche in the marketplace and his enthusiasm will ensure his continued success.”
Lewis will also be offering his audio production expertise to local businesses, charities and community groups through making podcasts, adverts and documentaries.
Prices for Audio Time Capsules start at £200 for a 30-minute documentary. Lewis will also be offering his audio production expertise to local businesses, charities and community groups through making podcasts, adverts and documentaries.
To learn more about Time Capsule Productions and enquire about an ‘Audio Time Capsule’ you can visit www.timecapsuleproductions.co.uk or email [email protected].
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