The Business case for, and ways to create, an Equal, Diverse and Inclusive Workforce and the impact this has on the Business Community Wealth Building and Fair Work approach.
This session will outline Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity and its role in:
• Benefitting the business by applying recruitment and in-work practices that meet the requirements of the Equality Act in supporting people with protected characteristics in the workplace.
• Evidencing the business commitment to Community Wealth Building.
• Targeting an untapped pool of talent for harder to fill vacancies.
• Busting myths about disability/health conditions and protected characteristics in the workplace.
• Helping businesses sustain mentally healthy workplaces.
• Accessing funding through engagement with local employability provision.
• Retention support for existing employees at work and struggling due to protected characteristics.
• Achieving disability and inclusive accreditations.
Suitable for:
Potentially entry level opportunities, harder to fill vacancies e.g. hospitality, retail, facilities, building sector etc.
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